I have a theory, but correct me if I’m wrong…
Working in the Web realm is fascinating, but does have it’s tolerance.
Balancing many factors that one may not be aware of.
Add that with business needs and growing demands from order of hierarchy.
The cycle of success continues with continuous learning, finding, trialing new tech stacks to building and improving software architecture.
Driven by passion and ambition to self learn, is all that was needed.
Without a software degree it’s pretty hard to summarise.
That you may know more then you think you know, but then again you only know more when you are able to investigate and trial these new ideas.
Must thank those who understand and give the time to let one manage their own.
Lessons learnt and upheld adopting the new, due to valid reasons keeping tech stack consistent for upgrading and maintaining purposes with limited resources.
It’s time to let go of the small and think bigger. Push those boundaries. Invest in the new to increment features and aim to replace the old.
First to explore, first to trial, but wait a second, we have a team with individual mindsets and abilities to do the same or similar.
Teach, train and mentor maybe a new territory for one, but not often looked upon due to time management in many businesses.
So there’s concerns in the blind spots. Noted and mentioned to many, but how and who will address it?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s up to the individuals in the team to embrace the journey together.
Setting aside some time and pushing back on the frequent demands.
Better yet, let the order of hierarchy set some time to continuous review information before passing down the chain of commands.
With continuous review of information, refinement of order become transparent, data become valid and less likely to consume time rectified.
While from the bottom continuing with the business needs in a regular pattern that aligns the learning goals, teaching one another, which is one of many challenging business objectives overlooked.
Certainly a challenge this year, but appreciate able to work in the current conditions.